Friday, August 7, 2009

Upon Return

I got back to work yesturday after taking Wednesday off to spend the day with my brother and some new friends. After a particularly slow morning, Everett and I got started building more poly-wire fence in anticipation of moving the cows this weekend.

Today, I awoke to "Rise and Shine, Ben!" being hollered outside my house. My alarm failed to go off and I was late for my 6:30 a.m. rendezvous with Joe and Ev. In a haste, I threw on some cloths, grabbed an apple, and jumped into the my truck to go meet Joe and Ev at the ranch.

We spent the morning moving the cows to fresh feed and speculating on their next move. I used a chain saw today to clear some road - danger! Also, Ev and I built a couple more fences, subdividing the larger fence we laid down yesterday. We'll use these paddocks for the weekend and maybe even Monday and Tuesday. Joe and I will be back out on the ranch in the morning, opening up more feed and documenting the progress of the cows.

Special thanks to Matt, Pat, Tori, and Josh for an especially fantastic time on Wednesday in Santa Cruz and at the Phish. Love.


JourneyChick said...

Careful with the chainsaw there buddy!

Unknown said...

Ya Matt!