Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cows Cows Cows

I checked on the cows again today. Water was working great and the cows looked good. The only problem was that they totally trashed one of the poly-wire fences that we'd put the other day. It was separating the top half of the back bowl from the bottom half. After about an hour working to untie knots and untangle the wire, I took down the remainder of the fence, allowing the cows to move freely into the bottom half of the bowl (...if they were not doing so before). Before I left, I moved the cows to water again, this time bringing them around the top rather than along the road in the middle.

Work again tomorrow morning. My brother Matt and some friends are coming to stay with me for a couple nights - maybe arriving tomorrow?!?!? I need to clean my house before they arrive, but they will probably be camping in the barn...

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